
PremiumBeat 已經擴大了精細印刷上的字體,這樣你就可以瞭解各種類型的音樂許可證,音樂許可協議,音樂許可費等等,而不會感到頭疼。




有這麼多不同的音樂許可證和大量的精細印刷需要注意,你能做的最好的事情就是教育自己。這樣,你就不會錯誤地在你的項目中使用受版權保護的歌曲沒有適當的 lic確保,這個錯誤可能會導致一些昂貴的罰款。向下滾動以瞭解音樂許可的 ABC,並發現在項目中安全使用受版權保護的音樂的最簡單方法。


快速的互聯網搜索將顯示 PremiumBeat 被認為是最好的音樂授權公司之一。客户非常喜歡我們直觀的界面和各種濾波器,這兩者都可以輕鬆地為您的下一個項目找到完美的軌道。按類型、情緒、持續時間、樂器等搜索。選擇我們靈活的許可證選項之一,立即開始將高品質音樂融入您的視頻、商業或播客中。

免版税 = 無憂

在 YouTube 視頻中播放喜愛的歌曲看似簡單的操作可能會在幾秒鐘內將您的視頻靜音或取下。而不是強調嘗試確保在下一個項目中播放受版權保護的歌曲所需的所有音樂許可證,而是去免版税的路線。當您在我們的圖書館中找到您喜歡的免版税軌道(並且它們都是免版税!), 並選擇適合您的項目許可證, 你可以放心,你是合法覆蓋使用我們的軌道.
音樂許可證是有各種特定形式的法律協議.有同步許可證,簡稱為同步許可證。多年來,這一直是音樂和視聽市場中使用最廣泛的許可證。基本上,當歌曲與 YouTube 視頻、電視廣告和電影等視覺媒體同時播放時,需要此許可證。然後還有主執照此許可證授予將歌曲錄製版本與視覺媒體或音頻媒體一起使用的權限。使用此許可證,您將被允許在視頻中使用現有軌道,但您將不能錄製新版本。機械許可證允許您錄製自己的歌曲版本。如果您希望有權複製歌曲的樂譜,則需要一個打印許可證。此外,還有一個劇場許可證,以便在戲劇表演中使用受版權保護的歌曲。向下滾動以獲取有關這些音樂許可證的更多信息。
同步或同步許可證允許音樂軌道與視聽項目結合使用。只要與視聽作品的移動圖像協調,音樂曲目就可以再現。這種許可證通常是必要的,當涉及到電視節目,動畫系列,電影,在流媒體平台上的商業視頻,如 YouTube,視頻廣告,視頻遊戲等。同步許可證通常由音樂出版商或音樂出版公司頒發。獲得此許可證是一個特定視聽項目的製作者的責任。
打印許可證(有時稱為打印權)授予客户打印給定音樂曲目樂譜副本的權限。它是音樂用户與受版權保護作品所有者之間的協議,允許用户重新排列、打印或顯示歌曲的音樂筆記或歌詞。即使音樂用户只希望在 CD 的背面或 YouTube 視頻的字幕上顯示某首歌曲的部分歌詞,仍然需要此許可證。
免版税許可證是上面提到的音樂許可證的一個很好的替代方案。您可以通過從 PremiumBeat 獲取免版税許可證,而不是請求特定許可證,等待幾個月後發現該請求已被拒絕,從而大大簡化流程。您所需要做的就是探索我們的圖書館,發現您喜歡的曲目,將它們添加到您的購物車中,然後前往結帳選擇符合您需求的免版税許可證。PremiumBeat 提供了兩個 靈活的許可證計劃,允許在您的項目中無限制使用。如果您的內容是基於 Web 的或非商業分發的,請選擇標準許可證。如果您正在處理創收內容,請選擇高級許可證。使用這兩個許可證,您只需支付一次性費用。無需擔心的持續版税。



How to license music:

Licensing music for commercial use

Commercial use refers to any use of a product or service intended for financial gain. When it comes to using music for commercial use, the music is the product or service meant to increase sales for the person or company that has licensed it. Sound effects are also considered music in this case. The definition of “commercial use” can be a bit murky. Adding music to a video game that customers must buy or into an advertisement meant to generate income is clearly commercial use. But what about background music added into a YouTube video of a goofy dog? At first glance, that video is not intended for commercial use but if the video aims to generate followers which will result in increased ad revenue, is that commercial use? Even if the licensee is not directly selling a product, it is still necessary to obtain a license for any copyrighted music used. The safest route is to license royalty-free music in a few quick clicks.

Music licensing for video

There are several common misconceptions to be aware of if you intend to use copyrighted music in a video. If you come across a music track on the internet that claims to be available for free listening or download, this does not mean you have a license to use the track in a video. Many people also falsely assume that giving credit to a band or song composer automatically grants a license to use their music in a video. In most cases, however, if you want to use a song in a video, you will need to specifically request two different licenses: the sync license and the master license. The sync license will come from the music publisher while the master license is held by the recording label. The easiest way to ensure you have the rights to use a song in your video is to license royalty-free tracks found in an audio library such as PremiumBeat.

Licensing music for podcasts

If you would like to use a copyrighted song in an upcoming episode of your podcast, you are going to need a sync license. This is because the music is synced with the larger audio program. The person who owns the copyright to a song may not want their music associated with a given podcast, making these licenses difficult to obtain. There is no limit on compensation, which means that the copyright owner can set a very high price. The podcaster must also obtain a license from every rights-holder, which may very well include the record label, publishing companies, and songwriter. To save time and money, simply search the PremiumBeat library. Use the filters to narrow down the exact sort of sound you’d like to feature on your show. Add your chosen song to your cart, select the license that meets your needs, and download. Edit into your podcast and you’re good to go.

Music licensing for commercials

To use a song in a TV or radio commercial, you will generally need both a sync and master license. The costs for these vary depending on the intended usage and popularity of the song. If the song is featured in what is considered low-end TV usage, with the song playing from a stereo in the background, for example, the fee could range from free to $2,000 for a 5-year license. In a typical TV or radio commercial in the United States, a well-known song could cost anywhere from $75,000 to $200,000 for one-year national usage. If you would rather spend $199 for commercial music, check out PremiumBeat’s premium license. Find a song that matches the tone of your commercial in our library and pay your one-time fee to use the song in your commercial in perpetuity.

Music licensing for business

If you are a business owner and you would like to play music in your business, you will need the master rights, mechanical rights, and performance rights. This means that if you own a restaurant and you’d like copyrighted music to play over the speakers as your diners enjoy a meal, you will need three music licenses to ensure you are legally covered. Playing such music without a license can result in fines that range from $750 to $150,000. Obtaining three licenses is a complex and time-consuming endeavor. If you would like to offer your customers a unique musical experience, why not create your own playlist with songs discovered within the PremiumBeat library? Search using our advanced filters in order to find musical tracks that match the mood and atmosphere you’d like to create in your place of business.
YouTube 和 Vimeo
此外,我們所有的曲目都是 100% 獨家和版權清晰。
National Geographic





