Get Creative with Royalty-Free Music Beats

Play around with the high-quality, professional-level music beats in our collection and surprise yourself with the unique songs you can come up with. Get started today.

Our Music Beats

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Modernize Your Sound

Many of today’s most popular music tracks rely on high-quality music beats to give their songs that can’t-get-it-out-of-your-head quality. To quickly achieve that catchy modern music sound, try incorporating our music beats into your projects. Before you know it, your listeners will want to dance and sing along, all thanks to your exciting, rhythmic sound.

Variety of Moods

When it comes to music beats, the BPM, or beats per minute, dramatically affect the mood of the listener. Beats with a slower tempo, such as reggae (60-90 BPM) or R&B (60-80 BPM) tend to encourage a chill or relaxed vibe. Fast-paced music, on the other hand, such as techno (120-160 BPM) or salsa (180-300 BPM) are more likely to excite and energize listeners.


Neuroscientists in Denmark have found that delightfully danceable songs have just the right amount of sound and breaks in the beats. Our brains want to fill in those auditory gaps with physical movement, which is one of the reasons why we can’t help but dance to a well-balanced rhythm!
About Music Beats
What is a music beat?
In music and music theory, the beat is the basic unit of time. It is essentially the pulse of the song. When listeners can’t help but tap their toes to a track, it is the beat they are tapping to. The beat is specified by the time signature, a musical notation that appears at the beginning of a piece of music to signify the time or meter of the song to follow. The time signature has two numbers, one on top of the other. The top number represents the number of beats in every measure, while the bottom number shows what type of beats they are, such as quarter notes or eighth notes. Beats are usually at a counting speed somewhere between 40 and 200 per minute. These days, beats or music beats can also refer to a genre. People who “make beats” are essentially composers who use computers and a midi controller keyboard or Digital Audio Workstation to make and sell beats to interested artists.
How to count music beats?
It helps to get some basic music theory under your belt before attempting to count music beats. You will want to familiarize yourself with time signatures and the types of notes and corresponding number of beats. In 4/4 time, for example, a quarter note gets one beat, while an eighth note, being twice as fast as a quarter note, gets a half beat. It’s also worth noting that BPM, short for “beats per minute,” signifies the tempo of a given song. Different genres have different average BPM. For example, hip-hop is 60-100 BPM, house is 115-130 BPM, techno and trance is 120-140 BPM, and dubstep is 135-145 BPM. Thanks to PremiumBeat’s advanced filters, you can search music beats by BPM range. Just go to the PremiumBeat search page, look at the vertical list of filters on the left-hand side, and scroll down until you see “BPM.” Click it and then slide the sliders to set your chosen BPM range.
Where can you find music beats?
There are a variety of websites where you can find music beats, with PremiumBeat being one of them (beat is in our name, after all!). Our high-powered search engine makes it easy to find the exact sort of music beat you have in mind. You can start by entering relevant keywords into the search bar. Explore our many advanced filters on the left side of the page. To make sure the tracks that turn up in your search are instrumental, scroll down to the “Advanced” filter option and select “Instrumental Only.” You can then play around with the other filters to further narrow down your search. Looking for a song in a specific genre? Click the “Genres” filter and scroll through the many options available to you. We have everything from blues to pop, techno to hip hop. Or maybe you’ve got a strong sense of the mood you’re going for? Our diverse mood options include Feel Good, Strange, Magical, and more.
How do I make music beats?
If you are new to making beats, there are a few tools you will need to get started. Beat making software is key, which also means that you will need hardware, like a computer, on which to use that software. There are a variety of beat making software systems out there. The software will provide you with sounds you can use in your songs. Many of them come with preloaded virtual musical instruments and samples. Once you have downloaded your software of choice, you can start making beats. It helps to read up on how to structure songs so that they match the music genre you are going for. Analyze the various components of some of the songs you intend to emulate. What is the tempo? What instruments are used? How many layers of instruments are there? Once you have a good grasp on the above, you are ready to dive in and start developing your own sound. For even more music beats to play with, download some free music samples from Shutterstock.
Where can I sell my music beats?
There is a wide variety of places where music beat makers can sell their beats. PremiumBeat’s submission process is quick and simple. To begin, click this link to go to our New Artist Submission page. If you meet the following criteria, you can submit your music for our team to review:

Your music is 100% original. This means you own and control 100% of the copyright for both the composition and master recording of the music. Sound-alikes and samples cannot be submitted.

Your music is exclusively available. While you may submit tracks that have already been placed in other stock libraries as examples of your work, we will require exclusive rights for all tracks that are added to PremiumBeat.

Your music is free of 3rd party rights. PremiumBeat acts as the exclusive music publisher for all musical compositions in our library.

If the above sounds like you, then by all means, submit your work for consideration!

Looking for something specific?

Take a deep-dive into our music collection and find royalty-free music by instruments.

How to use music beats

Using music beats for songs

Incorporating existing music beats into a song you are working on is an excellent way to save time and possibly even surprise yourself with new musical possibilities. You can use music beats or music samples that feature a wide range of instruments or, if you are creating some of the beats yourself, opt for a beat that features just one instrument, such as drums or guitar. To simplify your music beat editing process, search specialized libraries and find the right beats to help with your music composition.

Using music beats for video editing

Using pre-existing music beats can greatly cut down on your editing time for a variety of projects. Say, for example, you are editing an instructional YouTube video and you want some compelling background music to keep viewers engaged. Rather than attempting to create a beat from scratch, you can search the PremiumBeat library for a track that will match the tone of your video. You can opt to hear a 15, 30, or 60 second clip of a full song, or hear the song as a loop. Once you have found your favorite music beat, add it to your cart, head to check out, select your license, and download your track. You can then upload your music into your chosen editing software. Drag-and-drop your audio track into the software and be sure to adjust the volume so that your music doesn’t overtake the audio of the video.

Using music beats for singing

Many music beats are created so that vocal artists can come in later and add their own song lyrics on top of the music. If you are interested in singing your own songs but don’t play an instrument (or the many instruments that often go into the creation of a single music track), then the fastest way to get started is to find a music beat you love and license it on specialized music sites.

Once the track is uploaded to your audio editing software, listen to it a number of times so that you can identify the song structure. Most songs follow ABABCB structure. This means that from beginning to end, a typical song will be arranged: verse (A), chorus (B), verse (A), chorus (B), bridge (C), and chorus (B). The verse is the songwriter’s chance to advance the story of the song. The chorus generally repeats, consisting of the same lyrics each time it is heard. The bridge only happens once towards the end of a song. It changes the pace of the song and may involve a key change. With this basic song structure under your belt, you can start writing lyrics that fit the pace and tone of the music beat you have downloaded.
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Our curated library of royalty free music gives you the polished feel of the big production houses.
Plus, all our tracks are 100% exclusive and copyright clear.
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Trusted by the World’s Best Companies and Creative Professionals.
National Geographic

Simple steps to licensing

Find the music beats that match your video’s pace, add them to your cart, and head to checkout. Select the license that meets your needs and download your tracks. It really is that simple.

Handpicked music

A bit overwhelmed by the vast number of tracks available to you? Don’t worry. Our team has created a curated playlist of music beats to get you started.

Perfect for every project

Whether you are looking for music beats to inspire your social media videos or align with the pace of your film scenes, our royalty-free music beats are here to help.