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Panasonic GH4 Demand Causes Shipping Delays

Caleb Ward
Published: Last Updated:

Demand for the 4K Panasonic GH4 have forced shipping delays worldwide.

The Panasonic GH4 was scheduled to be shipped April 24, 2014. However, it seems like Panasonic underestimated the demand for their new 4K product. In an online statement from the Japanese Marketing Division Panasonic stated that reservations and pre-orders were more than expected and that they are at a point where “production can not keep up.” This delay applies to the camera body and presumably the accompanying DMC-YAGH interface unit.


Currently there are a limited number of places where you can buy a GH4. B&H has started shipping as of April 28th but many retailers including Amazon are backordered for a few weeks.


The Panasonic GH4 body has an MSRP of $1,699.00. However, if you are wanting to get the maximum recording capabilities out of the camera you will need to buy the optional DMW-YAGH Interface Unit. The interface allows for 2 XLR inputs with phantom power, audio level display, 2x3G-SDI BNC connectors, 2xHD-SDI BNC connectors, SDI output for 4:2:2/10bit 4K signal, HDMI output, Timecode in, and XLR power. All of these features help make the GH4 much more than a DSLR but come at a cost, the DMW-YAGH has an MSRP of $1,998.00.

Imaging Resource informed us of the shipping delay.

Know of any place where you can get a GH4? Let us know in the comments below.