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10 Premiere Pro CC Tips for Final Cut Pro Video Editors

Danny Greer
Published: Last Updated:

If you’re making the jump from Final Cut Pro to Premiere Pro, you’ll want to check out these 10 differences between the video editing apps.

Adobe Premiere Pro

Josh from, a great online resource for video editing and post production tutorials and tips, has put together his list of 10 differences between FCP and Premiere Pro CC. As Josh explains in the following video tutorial, with most of these differences Premiere takes the cake, adding functionality that was weaker or nonexistent in Final Cut.

10 things that FCP editors should know about Premiere Pro include:

  1. Scratch disks are project based
  2. There is less transcoding necessary
  3. Setting render codec (codec settings not as ‘important’)
  4. Partial renders on clips are not mainanied
  5. Audio tracks are handled differently, stereo is on one track
  6. Premiere Pro has powerful audio sync tools
  7. Changes to simple editing (smoother process in Premiere)
  8. Copy and paste clips onto different tracks
  9. Scrubbing is possible in the Premiere Pro project panel
  10. Batch export in the background while editing
For a similar list on the differences between FCP and Premiere see our post 10 New Premiere Pro CC Features Final Cut Pro Editors Will Love.

If you’re debating on making the switch to Premiere Pro for video editing, be sure to give this demo a spin. Thanks for sharing, Josh!