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Blackmagic Cinema Camera Video Review

Danny Greer
Published: Last Updated:

Thinking about getting a Blackmagic Cinema Camera?  This video review breaks down some of the camera’s strengths and weaknesses and concludes if it is a good or bad investment for the video production professional.

Cameras and Equipment

Video production pros Ben and Ian of Panvista Productions recently analyzed the Blackmagic Cinema Camera to determine if it was a worthwhile investment for their business.

When the camera was introduced at NAB 2012 it was an absolute shocker.  At first glance, the Cinema Camera looks like an incredible deal – 2.5k sensor, 13 stops of dynamic range and a price that’s affordable to many pros (MSRP $2,995).  For the product announcement and more specs see our earlier post here.

Could this be the camera to revolutionize the video production industry?

All of these impressive specs for a low price sound like a bargain, but how practical is the Blackmagic Cinema Camera in a professional video production environment?  Can you affordably shoot a feature film with it?  How does it stack up to others for commercial and online video work?  How does the Cinema Camera workflow effect post?  Ben and Ian set out to answer these questions and determine if the BCC is as practical as it is impressive: