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Mind-blowing Timelapse Photos

Danny Greer
Published: Last Updated:

You’ve seen timelapse videos, but ever a timelapsed still photo?  Check out these incredible photographs that blend night and day in a single image.

Using Photoshop skills and incredible patience, photographer Stephen Wilkes creates surreal photos of iconic New York landmarks.  Each one of Wilkes’ images is created from shooting up to 15 hours at a fixed angle, resulting in hundreds of individual shots.  The photos are blended in post to create a seamless view of night and day in one photograph.  The results are simply extraordinary!

In the video below, get insight into the amount of shooting that goes into creating each one of these photos.  These incredible images give the term “timelapse photography” a whole new meaning!

Coney Island Timelapse

NYC Timelapse

NYC Timelapse