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Using Event Manager X to Control and Troubleshoot Events in Final Cut Pro X

Danny Greer
Published: Last Updated:

In this post, we’ll take a look at Event Manager X, an application that controls the visibility of events and projects in Final Cut Pro X.

Imagine taking every Final Cut Pro project you’ve ever created…and opening them all up at the same time.  Naturally, this has disaster written all over it!

However, this is essentially what the default setting is in Final Cut Pro X.  Upon launch, FCPX provides access to all previously created events (media) and projects.  Although Apple may have been well-intentioned in the way this is designed (having access to all your media all the time, that sounds good, right?) there are actually some pretty significant pitfalls to this design:

  • Slows down the launch of FCPX.
  • Too much media!  Harder to keep your files organized.
  • Does not take into account events or projects that reside on remote drives.
  • Media from multiple clients shows up at the same time.  Could lead to editing fiascos!

Now enter Assisted Editing, a post-production software developer, and their new Event Manager X application (we previously mentioned Event Manager X in a post on FCPX troubleshooting tips!)

Event Manager X makes controlling events and projects in FCPX a breeze!

Before launching FCPX, open Event Manager X and choose which projects and events you’d like to show up in FCPX.  It’ll list the location of all previously created projects and events (those that exist on offline devices will show up red).

Apple has released a white paper on how to hide events and projects in FCPX, although the process is cumbersome and puts projects and media at risk due to human error.  Event Manager essentially does the process outlined in the white paper, except through a quick, user-friendly interface.  The application shuffles around your projects and events — putting those you choose as “visible” in the Final Cut Events folder and those that “invisible” into a Final Cut Events Not In Use folder. After you choose what you would like visible/invisible, Event Manager will open or restart Final Cut Pro X.

Among the features of the application (from Assisted Editing site):

  • Quickly manage which Events and Projects are visible using simple checkboxes
  • Keep track of hidden (but mounted) Events and Projects
  • Keep track of unmounted Events and Projects
  • Check that all drives that hold needed Events are correctly mounted
  • Never suffer the embarrassment of an Event or Project showing to the wrong client
  • Launch Final Cut Pro X faster with fewer active Events in the Event Library

FCPX is still a new application and chances are you haven’t built up a huge library of projects and events…yet.  Over time however, this little application could be a huge support for any editor that does significant work in Final Cut Pro X.  Organization is the key to efficient editing and Event Manager X holds the key to keeping your projects streamlined!

Purchase Event Manager X for $4.99!