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3 Pieces of Advice To Build Your Creative Business

Jonny Elwyn

Check out these quick videos on building your creative business in the fast changing digital frontier.

Creative Inspiration

Even though many business tips may ‘fit into a soundbite’ these ideas, insights and inspiration might contain a golden nugget that transforms the rest of your career. Check out these three resources for many great pieces of advice…

#1. Eat Big Fish – Advice Collection

Eat Big Fish is a challenger brand consultancy with a great website with a ton of ”3 pieces of advice” videos from marketing, brand, creative and business experts who pack a lifetime of learning into a short space.

In this 1 minute video Porter Gale, former VP of marketing at Virgin America and a marketing expert with over 2 decades worth of experience in branding, advertising and social media, packs 3 great pieces of advice on transparency, mobile and social media into just 60 seconds. “96% of millienials are on social media…how’s that going to impact your brand or service?

This 30 second gem from challenger Jeans brand – Huit Denim – encapsulates the fundamentals for any successful would-be entrepreneur.

#2. Seth Godin – Guru of Gurus

Seth Godin is a social media ‘guru’ (in the nicest possible way) whose website is chock full of great free stuff as well as daily thoughts on how to create more, do better and get recognized  Time reading or watching Seth is always time well spent. This classic and hugely entertaining TED talk from Seth will get you hooked on what he has to say.

#3. A piece of advice on how to make the most of social media.

Warren Cass lays out his top tips for anyone entering into the social media frenzy.  Check out this simple, but foundational, wisdom on how and why you need to be making the most of Twitter, Linked In, Facebook and the rest.