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Awesome Cinematography Tutorial: The Flip Shot

Brent Pierce
Published: Last Updated:

In this video production tutorial, we show you how to create a “flip shot” using a DSLR and tripod – great for adding a dramatic touch to your project.

Film and Video Production Tutorial

Awesome Cinematography is a series where we talk about creating cinematography that will take your production value to the next level. In this episode, we demonstrate a simple DSLR trick shot that’s engaging and dramatic.  I recently used the “flip shot” in a short that I released. You can view it here.

The Flip Shot basically involves a tripod that is sideways, parallel to the ground. The tripod needs to be elevated off the ground about 8-9 inches. In this example, I used apple boxes, but you can use a bag, a stack of books, or anything you can get your hands on.

Gear list:
Manfrotto 501 tripod (discontinued)
Canon 5D mk3
Tokina 11-16mm
Apple boxes
Sand bags

The Flip Shot is a great way to add a dramatic element to your film. But, it is definitely one of those shots that you don’t want to overuse. It’s a great way to add confusion or discomfort to the scene.

Can you think of a unique way to use the flip shot? Got any DSLR tips to share? Let us know in the comments below.