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Is Online Video Editing the Future?

Michael Maher

Is storing all your footage online the future of video editing? The potential is there, but can internet speeds handle the workload?

The cloud has become the standard term for what is essentially just a network of servers. Many companies are now getting into hosting “cloud” services. Adobe has moved their entire Creative Suite to the Creative Cloud. However, with Adobe Creative Cloud, your computer still handles the workload.

Now companies are looking into handling all your project files as well. Companies like Shutterstock, GoPro, and YouTube are all offering online video editing. The goal is to allow you to edit on one machine and easily pick up the project on another machine anywhere in the world. Here are a few online video editors already available for use.

1. YouTube Editor

Is Online Video Editing the Future? Youtube Editor

YouTube Editor allows YouTube users to combine clips and images online. You can easily trim video, add music from the YouTube audio library, and apply certain effects. Mostly, you can just rotate clips, stabilize footage, adjust speed, color correct, add filters, and apply text.

It’s an incredibly basic program, and is also the standard of online video editing. For beginners, the program is easy to learn. It’s a great stepping stone for anyone interested in learning how to edit video. With it being so easy to master, you’ll likely want more options sooner than later.

2. Shutterstock Sequence

Is Online Video Editing the Future? Shutterstock Sequence

Sequence is an easy-to-use online video editing tool, currently only available for Chrome. The additional benefit of Sequence is the ability to easily use and purchase Shutterstock footage. Over two million Shutterstock videos and audio tracks can be dragged and dropped into the project. Users can also upload their own video and audio files, and then share with colleagues or clients for review.

Sequence stands out from all these other online video editors because of the stock footage option. You can easily mix in some stock clips to enhance your project, or just solely use stock footage and then just pay for the clips you use. It’s a real step forward in online video editing.

3. GoPro Studio

Is Online Video Editing the Future? GoPro Studio

GoPro Studio is a relative newcomer to the online video editing industry. It offers the same trim and slow motion options as other online video editing programs, but they are specific for GoPro users. GoPro Studio has a built in fisheye adjustment control, time lapse assembler, and is capable of editing 3D footage from the Dual HERO System. You can also easily export full resolution stills from your video footage, and find any footage you marked with HiLight Tags.

4. WeVideo

Is Online Video Editing the Future? WeVideo

WeVideo also offers the same standard options as those listed above. What makes it stand out is the ability to have multiple video editors work on a project right away; it’s really easy to set up joint projects. Users also have the ability to import footage from their Google Drive, Dropbox accounts, or social media sites like Instagram, Flickr, and Facebook. WeVideo also offers tiered services. Accounts are free up to 5GB of cloud storage. 30GB Premium accounts come in at $7 a month and 100GB Pro accounts at $20 a month.

So, What About the Future?

As you can see, these programs are all very limited. Outside of rearranging footage and trimming clips, you can’t go into too much detail with your video edits. If you have to make a quick video in minutes, or if you want your engaged cousin to make her own slideshow, then these online video editors are fantastic. Beginners can easily use these online editors for simple projects.

Now, back to our original question. Are online video editors the future? Yes. Especially if companies like Adobe figure out how to manage all your footage. If Adobe Creative Cloud finds a way to let Premiere Pro and After Effects use online footage, there will be a huge shift in the industry. Same goes for Apple and FCPX.

Currently only massive studios and production houses can handle online video editing internally, on their own servers. If it becomes universal, sharing projects with other video editors or clients will save so much time. No more exports of half-finished projects, no more mailing hard drives, no more hassle.

The problem with this are the massive files sizes. Editing 4K footage online is near impossible as is. Heck, most computers struggle editing 4K footage. And 4K footage is just the beginning. RAW files, layers of complex animation and graphics, and any other massive file type will bottleneck the internet speed. Once someone figures out how to compress these files, we will see some tremendous advances in online video editing.

Want more on video editing? Check out these posts

Do you use any of these online video editing programs? What do you think about the future of online editing? Let us know in the comments below.