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Powerful Multicam Workflow for Final Cut Pro X

Ben Consoli
Published: Last Updated:

The multicam feature in FCPX isn’t just for concerts and live events! In this post we show you a powerful multicam workflow for narrative video editing.

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Use multicam in Final Cut Pro X to consolidate your takes of your narrative video project into one clip. This results in a much more streamlined editing experience (especially useful for big projects with TONS of takes).

In the tutorial above I walk you through each step of this efficient FCPX multicam workflow. You’ll start by making Smart Collections of the audio and footage for the different scenes in your project. This will make it easier to identify each of the audio and video clips to add into a multicam.

We’ll then select each of the audio files (per scene) and add them to a new multicam clip. Once the new multicam is created (and the audio automatically synced) you can bring the video into the mix by adding an angle. Choose one audio source to be your reference point for syncing (monitored angle) and sync the video file to it.

Now, you’ll simply repeat this process with each of your takes. Combining each of the takes into one multicam clip allows you to supercharge the organization of your Final Cut Pro X projects.

How are YOU using the multicam in FCPX?
Share your experiences and suggestions in the comments below or send me a message on Twitter: @BenConsoli