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Workflow Tip: Use DaVinci Resolve To Translate Projects

Noam Kroll
Published: Last Updated:

DaVinci Resolve is best known for color grading, but it’s also an effective tool for translating project files from multiple software platforms. Here’s how it’s done.

Images from Blackmagic Design

Many editors today (myself included) need to work with a wide variety of software to create unique pipelines for each project they work on. This is all well and good, but it can also be problematic because translating projects from one platform to another can create a lot of difficulties.

Here’s an example: I was recently working with a client who started editing a series on Adobe Premiere Pro, but, after several episodes, decided to switch over to FCPX. The client now needed to find a way to import the old Premier projects into FCPX so they could be properly archived.

There are tools you can purchase (like 7 to X) that will do this for you, but why use another third-party tool when you can use DaVinci Resolve, a platform that you probably already have?

Workflow Tip: Use DaVinci Resolve To Translate Projects

So that’s exactly what I did. Since DaVinci Resolve is so great at importing and exporting all sorts of translation files (XML, AAF, EDL, FCPXML, etc.), it can easily be used to port a project from one platform to another.

I had the original editor of the series export XML files for all of their Premiere edits, and then I imported those XMLs into DaVinci Resolve. If you haven’t done it before, it’s very easy – simply right click in the Timeline panel of the Edit page and select import XML.

This brings in the full Premiere edit, assuming all of your footage is linked up properly. From there, you can simply right click on that same timeline and select Export XML, and choose the format you need.

Workflow Tip: Use DaVinci Resolve To Translate Projects: Surface

This technique works like a charm and is an absolute lifesaver when you’re in a pinch. However, you do need to be aware that translation issues can still occur. For example, a compound clip in FCPX won’t translate to Premiere, since PP doesn’t have compound clips. In most cases, though, this method works without a hitch.

Want to learn more about migrating timelines across NLEs? Check this out:

Also, if you’re interested in gaining more DaVinci Resolve knowledge, PremiumBeat’s got you covered:

Was this workflow tip helpful? Got any secret DaVinci Resolve tricks that you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments below!