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After Effects Video Tutorial: Karaoke Text

Evan Abrams
Published: Last Updated:

Create a Karaoke text effect that highlights words in sync with your voice.

Adobe After Effects

In this Premiumbeat exclusive video tutorial you’ll learn how to produce a karaoke effect in After Effects. Whether you’re actually doing a karaoke video or are simply mocking one up as a parody, check out the AE tutorial to recreate the look of ‘traditional’ karaoke music displays.

The overall technique is pretty straightforward but I’ll explain a few audio tips and tricks that aren’t easy to figure out on your own. The video covers:

  • How audio interacts with video controlled by frames
  • Understanding audio layers
  • The proper way to playback audio
  • What fonts are easy to read

Mastering audio in After Effects is a key skill that motion graphic designers need to have, as sound can be a crucial element in enhancing your digital effects.

Don’t want to watch the video? Follow along with the step-by-step tutorial below. Click any image for larger view. 

1 Create a new composition and add in a bright blue background.

2 Apply a ramp and blend with the original.

3 Create some new text to coincide with your first statement.

4 Set a marker at the end of the first statement.

5 Stylize the text so that it is white with a black stroke. Set the parameter from metric to optical.

6 Draw masks around each text line.

7 Set keyframes, Animating a mask reveal from left to right.

8 Duplicate the text layer, take out the strokes and add a yellow fill.

9  Adjust keyframes so white animates on first, followed by the yellow.

10 Set a mask keyframe to wipe the text off.

If you have any questions regarding this tutorial, or if you have any quick tips for using expressions in After Effects, please comment below!