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4 Free Scriptwriting Applications

Caleb Ward
Published: Last Updated:

Share your screenplays with these 4 free scriptwriting software packages.

Filmmaking is expensive. Between buying all the production equipment and editing platforms it can be hard to have any money left over for pre-production software. To help fix this dilemma we’ve found 4 really awesome screenwriting softwares that are 100% free.


Celtex has been a go-to free scriptwriting software for many years. On top of easily creating scripts or novels, Celtex allows users to share their scripts with anyone, making the whole pre-production process much easier. Those with a small budget you might be interested in the $9.99 personal subscription which gives subscribers access to storyboard, schedule and budget software. Premium users can also create shot-lists and script breakdowns right inside Celtex. You can sign-up for the free version of Celtex on their website.

Adobe Story

Like Celtex, Adobe Story offers a free and paid version. Adobe story is unique because it allows for seamless importing and exporting between Final Draft, Movie Magic Screenwriter, and Microsoft Word. Story also allows users to select between different script templates including film, television, and AV scripts. Those who want advanced features including reporting and scheduling tools can have premium access for only $9.99 a month. Access to Story is completely free but you must sign up to Creative Cloud Free.


Trelby is another free software designed for screenwriters. Like Celtex and Story, Trelby has auto-completion tools that make screenwriting faster than using a word processor. Trelby was created as a free software so users won’t be limited in their ability to access information. Trelby also has different views for different types of writers allowing users to write in a WYSIWYG mode, draft view or fullscreen mode. You can download Trelby for Windows, Linux, or Mac from their website for free.


Plotbot is a free, in-browser scriptwriting software that allows users to click and write easily. Plotbot also allows multiple users to work on a single project. And if you want to revert back to any previously saved versions of the work, you can. You can simply login using your Facebook account from the Plotbot website.

Want to take your scriptwriting to the next level? Check out out our scriptwriting resources article.

Know of any other awesome free scriptwriting software? Share in the comments below.