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A7S vs. GH4: Which is Better for Filmmaking?

Caleb Ward

How does the A7S compare to the GH4? Find out in the following video comparison.

This has been a great year for video pros and filmmakers. With dozens of new cameras hitting the market, camera manufacturers are competing more than ever before, and that’s good for us.

Two of the more exciting cameras to hit the filmmaking world this year have been the Sony A7S and the Panasonic GH4.  The A7S is well known for it’s low-light capabilities and the GH4 is one of the cheapest 4K cameras on the market. Both have beautiful image quality, but which one is the ‘all around’ leader?

In the following video created by Dave Dugdale of, he takes an extremely in-depth look at the A7S and compares it to his previous review of the GH4. The A7S will be tested and compared in a variety of categories including:

  • Rolling Shutter
  • Depth of Field
  • Banding
  • Low Light
  • Lenses
  • Stills

If you are interested in learning more about the technical specs of the GH4 or the A7S check out their specs page here on the PremiumBeat blog.

This video was first shared by Dave Dugdale on his YouTube channel. Thanks for sharing Dave!

In addition to being great a low-light the A7S is getting some brand new, high-end lenses from Zeiss. Both Zeiss 35mm f/2 and 50mm f/2 Loxia lenses will be available by the end of the year. If you are a filmmaker with any Sony E-Mount camera you should check them out.

If you own an A7s or have had a chance to use it we’d love to hear about your experience. Please share in the comments below.