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The $1,000 iPhone 4K App + Test Footage

Caleb Ward

Turn your iPhone 5S into a 4K camera with the Vizzywig 4K app. It’ll only cost you $1,000!

The production world is moving toward 4K. In just this year we’ve seen over a dozen new 4K cameras hit the market and NHK is working hard to make 4K broadcasting a reality. However, one new 4K camera to hit the market was never intended to be a 4K camera at all, the iPhone 5S.

Using the new Vizzywig 4K app users now have the ability to shoot 4K footage using your standard iPhone 5s. The app works by taking 4K resolution stills at 24 fps. In order to get 4K footage the phone streams video at 72mbps.

From the app users can upload their footage directly to YouTube. Now you may be saying, a $999 app, that sounds crazy…and you’d be right.

The following is some test footage shot using the Vizzywig 4K app. In the video you will probably notice some exposure issues along with some very strange frame rate problems. We’d be interested to find out if this was a user error or the result of the app not being able to encode the video fast enough.

In the following video the Vizzywig 4K is paired up with a Moondog Lab Anamorphic lens. While I wouldn’t call this footage groundbreaking, it is pretty impressive for being shot on an iPhone.

Vizzywig 4K was created for iOS 7 and we haven’t seen a new update for iOS 8 yet. On a related note, have you seen the Bentley commercial shot entirely on an iPhone? Check it out here on in our previous post.

Would you ever use this 4K iPhone app? Is it simply ridiculous?
Let us know in the comments below.