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10 Lesser-Known Premiere Pro Shortcuts

Caleb Ward
Published: Last Updated:

Dramatically increase your editing speed with these 10 lesser-known Premiere Pro shortcuts.

Nothing improves editing speed more than using keyboard shortcuts. They can save you seconds here and there, but over the length of a project, keyboard shortcuts can save you hours (if not days) of editing time.

Even if you already use keyboard shortcuts to speed up your video editing workflow, you might not know all of them. In the following video tutorial created by reTooled we will take a look at a few Premiere Pro shortcuts you may not know about. The video editing shortcuts covered include:

  1. Ripple Trim
  2. Slip/Move/Trim
  3. Panel Windows
  4. Trim Edit/Toggle Trim Types
  5. Nudge Audio Volume Up & Down
  6. Select Next & Previous Clip
  7. Replace Clip Match Frame
  8. Custom Shortcuts
  9. Show Video/Audio Keyframes
  10. Delete Tracks
  11. Bonus: Set to Frame Size

This video was created by Josh from reTooled. Thanks for sharing!

Want to take your Premiere Pro skills to the next level? Check out a few of our previous posts:

What are your go-to Premiere Pro shortcuts? Let us know in the comments below.