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Kickstarters We Dig: Tooga Modular Camera Gear

Danny Greer
Published: Last Updated:

For shooters on-the-go, the new Tooga modular camera gear concept is an interesting alternative.

Cameras and Equipment

A mount, a dolly and a camera cage – typically these items would require a bulky case to transport. The Tooga System aims to change this, making this camera support gear lightweight and collapsable so it can easily fit in most any camera bag.

Tooga System

The heart of the Tooga System is the “Shell” a camera plate that is used for each of the extensions (dolly, guerrilla cage, suction mount). To use any of these extensions you simply pop the Shell onto the components (wheels, suction, etc).  The component system is designed to work with DSLR cameras, smartphones and GoPro cameras. Check out this video for a quick run down on how the Tooga System works:

The Tooga seems like a great alternative for shooters that want professional looking shots without the hassle of dealing with bulky gear (reporters, international travelers, documentarians, etc).

From now until the end of January 2014, the gang from Tooga is raising money on Kickstarter to make this product a reality. Check out their Kickstarter page for more info!

What do you think of the Tooga? Would you use this kind of modular support system? Share your thoughts in the comments!