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3 Video Production & Post Related Kickstarter Projects

Danny Greer
Published: Last Updated:

Interested in the future of video production & post? Check out 3 Kickstarter campaigns that are aimed at bringing exciting new video products to market.

Crowdsourcing site Kickstarter represents a fair share of independent filmmakers and content creators, but there’s also projects aimed at improving video production and editing tools.  The following 3 Kickstarter campaigns each hope to make their video related products available to the professional community.  Check them out below or head over to their Kickstarter pages to give them a funding boost!


$8,000 goal  •  The gang behind Anamorphica recently reached out to us to tell us about their newest Kickstarter project.  They hope to create a pack of high quality anamorphic lens flares that are accessible to independent filmmakers, giving them a high-dollar “Hollywood look”.  The flares will be created organically, so the funds are going to renting cameras and anamorphic lenses for creating the effects.  The resulting product will be a pack of 20 flares that can add punch to any film or video project.

Check out the Kickstarter page or video below:


$35,000 goal  •  Technologist Jeff Chow is aiming to introduce a game-changing application into the non-linear video editing marketplace.  As video editors, we’ve adapted to using keyboards (and shortcuts) to do our work.  Jeff makes an interesting point saying that keyboards were meant for typing, not editing.  CTRL CONSOLE takes the keyboard out of the equation – a video editing controller that is optimized for common editing tasks.  This is the highest dollar campaign of the three, but it’s almost the most intensive.  The implications it could have on how we edit video are substantial.

Check out the Kickstarter page or video below:


$4,000 goal  •  The BoomPro gives the GoPro camera a new perspective. The BoomPro is essentially a camera mounted boom pole that can attach to a helmet, but instead of facing outward it faces toward the wearer.  This would be great for capturing action sport athletes (cyclists, dirt bikers, etc).  Check out the video for an example of these really cool looking shots.

Check out the Kickstarter page or video below: