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Video Editing Goes Mobile (and Simple) with Videolicious

Danny Greer
Published: Last Updated:

Another mobile video startup enters the ring with the relaunch of mobile video editing app Videolicious. So, how do ‘simple’ editors effect the future?


As the technology behind video editing gets more complex – more effects, more customization, more OPTIONS – there’s also a push to make things more simple.  Simplicity is the key behind Videolicious, a mobile app that aims to be a video editor for users with NO prior editing experience.

The app is geared towards individuals looking to create quick educational or promotional videos (event, sales or blog videos for example).  The app is picking up interest from investors too, with the creators recently receiving $1.4 million in startup funding.

Videolicious is currently a freemium model, where users can download the app for free but pay $5 or $10 a month plan to get more advanced features like longer videos and more storage.

Although the app clearly doesn’t have the same capabilities of more full-featured professional video editing applications (Avid, Premiere Pro, etc), it’s interesting to consider what effect an app like Videolicious may have on the post-production industry.  If users with NO experience, are able and empowered to create their own videos, might this take business away from the professional video editing market?  Surely the quality of the product would not be comparable, but a client looking to save some money might think “I can just shoot and edit this project myself!”

When FCPX was released for $300, that seemed to be a concern to many video editors.  Historically post production apps and hardware were priced so that they were accessible solely to professionals.  Further, FCPX was being touted by some editors as a “dumbed down” version of past versions. Lower costs and consumer platforms mean an even bigger marketplace of self proclaimed “pro editors”.  Does this threaten/scare those that edit videos for a living?

**More info at Techcrunch: “Videolicious Relaunches Its App For Mobile Video Editing, Raises $1.4 Million from Amazon and Others.

Does the over simplification of video editing “dumb down” the craft?
Let us know what you think in the comments!