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How To Direct Like Steven Spielberg

Jonny Elwyn

Pick up some directing tips from Hollywood legend Steven Spielberg, in these fascinating film commentaries.

If you want to learn more about the craft of filmmaking and directing you can do little worse than to learn from the best. In a previous post I highlighted some excellent resources (like the video essay above) on director Steven Spielberg’s filmmaking style and instincts.

Following up on that post, check out documentary (Filmumentary?) filmmaker and Spielberg super-fan, Jamie Benning, who has meticulously crafted these feature length fan-documentary-commentary-films for both Jaws and Raiders of The Lost Ark – two of Spielberg’s most popular and entertaining films. Watching these is both a lesson in how to craft a superior film commentary (if you ever get to record one yourself – take note!) but also a fantastic lesson in the directorial style and instincts of Spielberg himself.

Filmmaking is team sport and it’s these kind of windows into the behind the scenes insights that reveal just how and when a director stamps his imprint on a film. Highly entertaining and informative viewing!

Inside Jaws: A Filmuentary by Jamie Benning

Raiding The Lost Ark: A Filmumentary by Jamie Benning

If you like Jamie’s work then you can check out the other filmumentary currently availableStar Wars Begins: The Complete Filmumentary on his site. If you really enjoy the films, consider donating to the charity Ambitious About Autism, to whom Jamie is generously giving any income to.