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Editing Clip Audio from Premiere Pro in Adobe Audition

Clay Asbury
Published: Last Updated:

Use Adobe Audition’s Reduce Noise function to quickly fix audio and send it back to Premiere Pro.  Here’s how!

A common problem for video editors is having to deal with noisy audio in your edits.  Maybe the shoot was shot “run and gun” style and the audio came from an on-camera mic.  Perhaps, there was a noisy element in the room (air conditioner, refirdgerator hum).  Whatever the case, noisy audio can kill the production value of your project.  It’s distracting and makes any production look amateurish and low-budget.  Although there are a variety of post-production tools you can use in an attempt to fix extra noise in your audio, Adobe Audition is a useful choice for for Premiere Pro editors.  In this tutorial you’ll learn how to roundtrip your audio files over to Adobe Audition for noise reduction – a big timesaver for Premiere Pro editors!

Noise Reduction in Premiere & Audition

In Premiere Pro, select the clip in the Sequence right click and select “edit in Audition”.

Audition will launch, and now we can remove the background noise.

Click and drag on the waveform to select several seconds of background noise (more is better) where no one is talking.

Select Effects> Noise Reduction > Noise Reduction (process).

Click  “Capture Noise Print”and then “Select entire file” to reduce the noise for the entire clip.

Capture Noise Print

Check “Output Noise Only” and and drag the “Reduce by” Slider until you just hear a mosquito like noise and not the audio. Make sure you uncheck “Output Noise Only” before you click Apply.  If you over reduce the noise it will start to distort the good audio as well.

I generally up the Precision Factor to 10 or more, it cleans up the sound a bit. I suggest playing the clip, dragging the sliders and listening to the results. Now, click Apply and the noise reduction is applied.

For more on the Advanced Option read the Adobe Help.

Save in Audition, then use the shortcut Command + Tab  on a Mac (Alt + Tab on a PC) back to Premiere Pro .

The audio in Premiere Pro is now called “Extracted” and replaces the original of the clip.

If you decide later that you want to use the original audio in your Premiere Pro project, you can you Match Frame with “Replace with Clip”.  It’s also helpful to duplicate the sequence before you send to Audition to make it easier to revert back to your original sequence.

What tools do you use to cleanup your audio in post production?
Let us know in the comments!