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Pinterest Boards for Filmmaking & Motion Design

Clay Asbury

Looking for inspiration, motion graphics or indie/DIY filmmaking tips? Don’t miss these Pinterest boards.

Pinterest LogoPinterest may be best known for fashion, architecture and DIY crafting – but have you considered it as a resource for getting motion design and video inspiration?

In this post, we share a few of our favorite Pinterest Boards for video pros. Follow them to keep up with the latest products, news and tutorials for filmmaking, motion design and video production.

Are you already a Pinterest user? Jump down to Pinterest Boards for Filmmaking & Motion Design. Not hip to Pinterest? Here’s a quick rundown…

Pinterest is a social bookmarking site with a bulletin board interface. Users have Boards where they organize their ‘Pins’ – interesting content from around the web. Pinterest defines Pins as “handsome little bookmarks. Whenever you find something on the web that you want to keep, add it to Pinterest”. Boards are organized by topic and can be made either public or private.

Create your own boards or follow other users boards and share them via email. What I like about Pinterest is that it is visual and similar to using a digital lightbox. Find videos, articles and images that you like. When you click on them in Pinterest it takes you to where they ‘live’ online. I find this easier and more organic than searching blog posts on a website.

More and more filmmakers are using Pinterest to promote their websites/projects and to collect images/videos that inspire them.

Corporate Guerrilla Videohas a helpful post on “6 Ways Video and Filmmakers Can Use Pinterest”. It’s worth checking out. Also, there is a series on social marketing here that shares good tips for promoting your film project on Pinterest. Now, let’s get on to the boards…

Pinterest Boards for Filmmaking & Motion Design

Bunthol Kim, Chad Mercree, and Edgar Yagui extensively cover motion design and graphic design. From animations to reels and cinematography, there is some great content here. 

Visit Good stuff, lots of it …’s profile on Pinterest.


Cheesycam is a blog for DIY photography and video projects. They also have a Pinterest Board, where you can check out links to articles and videos.

Visit CheesyCam’s profile on Pinterest.

Roger Duck

Roger Duck is a Canadian video producer. Roger covers a wide range of filmmaking interests. I particularly like his Board of filmmaking infographics. He shares much of this content on Twitter as well. He’s def worth a follow.

Visit Roger Duck’s profile on Pinterest.

Guerilla Filmmaking

Guerilla Filmmaking is the Pinterest Board of Martin Taylor, an English filmmaker living in San Francisco. He pins a lot of “How Tos” and interviews with filmmakers.

Follow Martin Taylor’s board Guerrilla Filmmaking on Pinterest.


Cinescopophilia is into filmmaking gear and shares posts from their blog.

Visit Cinescopophilia’s profile on Pinterest.

Audio-Visual Excellence

James Zwadlo and Elliot Howard focus on advertising, compositing and motion graphics. Their Pins focus on commercials, title sequences, and animation.

Follow James Zwadlo’s board AUDIO-VISUAL EXCELLENCE on Pinterest.

Motion VFX

Motion VFX  has a board focused on visual effects, covering gear and plugins.

Follow’s board motionVFX Blog on Pinterest. 

Digital Cinema Tools

Thierry Saint-Paul blogs about digital cinema. His Pinterest content ranges from new gear to filmmaking techniques. His Pinterest Board features videos and posts from his site.

Follow Thierry Saint-Paul’s board Digital Cinema Tools on Pinterest.

Do you have any favorite Pinterest boards that would interest filmmakers, video producers or motion designers? Share them in the comments!